"The Littlest Suspect" is Kevin's first One Hour Stand-Up comedy special in over 10 years. It debuted on Showtime July 29th and will run on the network all through August. The special features a lot of Kevin's impersonations, including Christopher Walken, William Shatner, Jason Statham, Alan Arkin, Larry King, Bill Clinton, Robert DeNiro and more. Once again, Kevin proves worthy of being named by Comedy Central as One of the Top 100 Comedians of All Time.
The DVD release is September 7th. This DVD features footage not in the Showtime special, such as Kevin doing his parody of Christopher Walken's dramatic reading of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face".
Pre-order NOW through Amazon.com at http://amzn.to/cKuyp3
In a world gone crazy with movies, TV shows and books, featuring far too many beautiful vampires, what if you were a real one, who couldn’t get hired to “be” one?
Vamped Out is a weekly series featuring 6 installments from a documentary by award-winning filmmaker Elliot Finke. During the spring and summer of 2009, Elliot shot what he believed was the first documentary of an actual vampire. While in postproduction, he went missing.
The subject of “Vamped Out”, Alowisus Hewson, is a 35 year old struggling actor who lives with his charming girlfriend, Marie, a 33 year old nurse at a local blood bank. We also meet and get to know Al’s manager, 27 year old Billy Goldborg, who lives and works out of Al’s guest house.
Oh, and Alowisus claims to be a 172 year old vampire.
He also insists he spoon-fed an entirely false mythology about vampires to Bram Stoker, a Dublin theater critic at the time. According to Al, because of this misinformation, vampires literally walk among us, fearing not sun light, silver crosses, garlic nor holy water. Sure they need blood to sustain life, but never need to feed from humans or animals. Where they do get it from is one of many comical surprises that make this series what it is, better than ALL the others. Combined. Muuhahahaha!
Vamped Out was created and written by Jason Antoon and Kevin Pollak and marks the directorial debut of Pollak. His cinematographer and editor on this series is Academy Award (Visual Effects,“Titanic”) winning genius Robert Legato, who, aside from providing visual effects for “Titanic,” “The Aviator,” “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” “The Departed” and “Shutter Island,” also directed Second Unit on them all.
Kevin and partners, Tony LaRussa and John Loar, Red Bird Cinema have just acquired the film rights to Boxing Legend, Sugar Ray Leonard.
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, and author of the award-winning sports tomb "Friday Night Lights," Buzz Bissinger, will pen the screenplay, while Pollak, LaRussa and Loar will produce.