New site coming in a few weeks!!
Oh, my dear, tremendous friends and followers...
First, let me sincerely apologize for the horrendous upkeep of this website. I hired a new fella to redo the site and together we've spent FAR too long setting up just right. It won't be too complicated, in fact, its rather streamline. The delay was really caused by my desire to showcase ALL the video episodes of my Kevin Pollak's Chat Show. We were ready to launch several months ago, but I had to remove all of the videos from our YouTube channel for a rather secret mission. No. I still can't go into details of this journey, other than to tell you that our efforts are reaching a conclusion by the end of next month, or so I'm told.
I will divulge ALL at that time, and thank you DEARLY for your patience and support through this unusual process.
As you'll see in the FINALLY updated blog page, I directed an indie comedy (The Late Bloomer) last summer, and it hits theaters Oct. 7th. The trailer is on iTunes now, and please check it out. This project ate over a year of my life before I knew what hit me, so apologies for my lack of focus and attention on most other matters.
I hope you had a fantastic summer and are enjoying the fall air, as it creeps us towards the best damn holiday of the year, HALLOWEEN!!!!
So, videos back up soon, and new site at that time, as well.
Again, thank you all VERY much for your support, dam it!!
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